Alas, 2015 is here and to the dismay of Robert Zemeckis, director of Back to the Future 2, is not what he predicted. Even without hoverboards and flying cars, 2015 is a promising year. We would not be here today if it were not for an incredible 2014. Tibersoft saw much success in the past year providing indispensable Customer Intelligence and Trade Control with the launch of Tibersoft iQ v9 and its additional features. Our success is continuing into the New Year with in-house changes that will benefit our Clients even more.

We’re expanding! As our success continues to increase, so does our team of highly qualified experts. Operations, Development, and Marketing have added key personnel to continue our mission of providing Foodservice Manufacturers with a clear view into their business.

Additionally, the steady march of infrastructure enhancements continues. Our team, technology, and process have all been overhauled to reduce upfront setup time and get accurate insights to users faster. Speed-of-thought browsing has never looked better.

We also are implementing new ways to communicate with our Clients. Both our LinkedIn Page and Operator Intelligence Group are being rebooted. This means more frequent updates to keep everyone informed. We are revamping the Tibersoft Blog through regular posting of relevant information. We are even expanding into new forms of communication such as Client-specific training videos and User Group meetings to help our users utilize our technology to its full potential. Ultimately, our goal is to create more Tibersoft iQ experts.

2015 is an exciting year for Tibersoft and our customers. Enjoy as we embark on another year full of success!

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